Clash of clans updates 2020 December is more powerful

clash of clans update 2020 december

Clash of clans updates 2020 December launched on the 7th day of the month. This update will be a great hype for gamers. Because New troops added in the latest update.

Clash of clans also known as COC which is a Finland gaming companies game. COC game developed by supercell. Supercell is a well-known gaming company for the past years. Their clash of clans game got a huge demand.

In December 2020 the total number of 500million+ downloads completed on the play store. In this great time clash of clans provided the winter update.

In this update gamer will get these features:

  1. Roll through the enemy village with the log launcher, A Brand new siege machine.
  2. Super wizard and Ice Hound, the latest addition to the super troop lineup.
  3. With a new spell name invisibility spell, Troops can be invisible except for wall and siege machine.

New Siege Machine:

Log launcher is the new siege machine. The siege machine throws away the woods. Woods damage 140 per second. It looks like an updated version of wall wrecker.

Super Wizard:

The new addition super wizard got an extreme look with more power. Damage per second level increased. You can get it in town hall 13.

New ICE Hound:

Previously we used the lava hound, Lava hound uses the hitting power. But the Ice hound uses the ice power. When A ice hound destroyed, it freezes everything for a second and some small hound comes out exactly like a lava hound.

Invisibility Spell:

This spell is used to invisible your troops to hide you from village defense. But it will not work on siege machines and walls.

That’s all info that we got from the clash of clans update 2020 December the new update. You can watch their official YouTube video:

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